1. 比较政治学方向,长聘教授;
2. 政治理论方向,助理教授;
1. 中外政治理论,助理教授
1. 热爱教育事业,遵守教师职业道德、师德师风良好。
2. 具有政治学等领域博士学位,且具有较为丰富的研究和教学经历,教学效果良好。
3. 具有能反映个人明确教学理念、良好课程教学结果、创新教学方法、优良课程效果或规范教学资料的相关成果。(如:在期刊或会议上发表教学论文、参与编写教学资料、获院级(含)以上教学奖励、其他相关资料或证明等。)
1. 个人简历;
2. 教育教学成果陈述;
3. 两封专家推荐信;
4. 其他可证明教学能力的材料。
Job Post
Department of Political Science, Tsinghua University
With a legacy spanning over a century, the Department of Political Science at Tsinghua University stands as a cornerstone in shaping the landscape of political science in China. Since its rejuvenation in the late 1990s, our department has flourished, cultivating a distinctive academic identity that resonates deeply within the scholarly community. To continue this inspiring trajectory, we warmly invite passionate and talented scholars to join our vibrant academic institution.
1. Positions:
I. Tenure-track positions:
· Comparative Politics, Tenured Professor.
· Political Theory, Assistant Professor.
II. Teaching position:
· Chinese and Foreign Political Theory, Assistant Professor.
2. Requirements:
I. Applicants with a great dedication for education and adherence to professional ethics.
II. Applicants holding or nearly completing a doctorate degree in political science or related fields, accompanied by extensive and impactful teaching experience.
III. Applicants with relevant achievements that demonstrate the ability to articulate a clear teaching philosophy, good teaching performance and innovative teaching methods (e.g., publications of papers related to teaching in reputable journals or conferences, active involvement in the development of teaching materials, recognition through teaching awards at the department level or higher, and other pertinent documentation.)
3. Application Materials:
I. Curriculum Vitae.
II. Statement of Educational and Teaching Achievements.
III. Two Letters of Recommendation.
IV. Other supporting materials showcasing talented teaching capabilities.