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--Research Area--

Political Theory

   Whether in reality or history, researches in political theory provide the ideological resources and basic frameworks to the development of political science. Henceforth, researches on Chinese and Western political thought are essential parts of political science and are necessary tools to the understanding of political science knowledge. Department of Political Science at Tsinghua will give full attention to the study of political theory and enrich the volume of teachings on political theory.

Comparative Politics

   Comparative politics has accumulated large volume of theories and academic achievements after a long period of disciplinary development. Key topics in comparative politics are political system and state; social structure and social network; political institution and political culture; civil society; interest group and political party; modernization and economic development; democratization, and institutional change. Comparative politics is still on its expansion and extension to the new fields in the era of globalization. Department of Political Science at Tsinghua is going to bring together strong faculty and fully commit to the teaching and research on comparative politics.

Chinese Government and Politics

   On the basis of comprehensive study of Chinese government and political issues, Department of Political at Tsinghua particularly concerns about the major strategic and overall issues of Chinese political structural reforms and changes. Issues that are encountered during these changes are: the problem of democracy and rule of laws; the governance problem of governmental and public affairs, and grassroots life; the innovative experiences of each levels of local and grassroots governments; and the problem of political stability and social movement. Department of Political Science at Tsinghua will apply the most advanced research techniques and methods in studying these problems. These research results will tie closely to the teaching of Chinese government and politics.

--Programmes in Charge--

Social Science in the Old Time Tsinghua: Political Science, the Tsinghua University Centennial Project, 2009-2010

The Political Process and Spillover of European Climate Politics, the General Project of the National Social Science Fund, 2010-2012.

Overseas China Studies: Trends and Results, the Commissioned Project of the State Council Information Office, 2008-2011

Contention and Authoritarian Regimes: the Contentious Democracy in Southeast Asia, 1898-2010, the Sub-Project “Global Democratic Transitions” of the Hongkong Boyuan Foundation, 2009-2010


  • Welcome 3 new collea…

     In the first semester of 2010 - 2011 academic year, the Department had 3 new members join our faculty team. They are Dr. Liu Yu from Cambridge, invite…