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Southern Weekly interviewed Dr. Yu Liu for her new bestseller

On Feb 22, 2013, Southern Weekly, one of China’s influential and popular newspapers, published an article titled “Yu Liu invites you for rebut” by Yan Shi, based on the reporter’s personal interview with Dr. Yu Liu about the bestseller-writing-academics new book, i.e. Water Lever of Perception.

With the new book being a collection of Dr. Liu’s column essays, each of them is within word limits of 2000; yet, the shorter size of each essay does not make it less important and less interest. In fact, Dr. Liu has been constantly working on “sensitive topic”, i.e. democracy, which itself makes this work a worthy reader of democracy.

Different from her last book, Details of Democracy, which based the discussion on the democratic system of the USA, Dr. Liu changed her focus to contemporary China and transitional countries in areas like former Soviet Union, Southeastern Asia, and Central-South America.

Empirical samples change, yet the essence of democracy remains. “Democracy is a system of check-and-balance, so it is very important to a healthy society; however, the will of the mass has to be contained by other system, otherwise it will become something with strong destructive power”, says Dr. Liu.